Thursday, September 27, 2012

Increase File Upload Size in using Command Prompt

You can run the following from a command prompt while in the C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts directory instead of editing the Metabase.xml file directly as mentioned in above method.

1. At a command prompt, type the following command, & then press ENTER:
cd C:
cd C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts
2. At a command prompt, type the following command, & then press ENTER to check the current upload limit:

cscript adsutil.vbs get w3svc/ASPMaxRequestEntityAllowed

C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts>cscript adsutil.vbs get w3svc/ASPMaxRequestEntityAllowed

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.

ASPMaxRequestEntityAllowed : (INTEGER) 204800
It displays the current/present value that is set to 204800 ie: 200KB.

3. Now to change the value to any higher one, run the following command:

cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/ASPMaxRequestEntityAllowed size

In this command, size is a placeholder for the largest file size upload that you want to allow. The maximum value is 1,073,741,824 bytes. Set this value to the lowest possible value that allows for the functionality that you want.

To change the value to 100MB, run the following command:cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed 104857600
C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts>cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed 104857600
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.

AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed : (INTEGER) 104857600
4. Run iisreset /restart to restart the web services & for the changes to come into effect.

You can confirm the changes by checking the ASPMaxRequestEntityAllowed using the GET command [as in step 2]:
C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts>cscript adsutil.vbs get w3svc/ASPMaxRequestEntityAllowed
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.

ASPMaxRequestEntityAllowed : (INTEGER) 104857600
The example above updates the metabase.xml file & sets the maximum uploadable value to 100MB

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Validate a CheckBox with a CustomValidator in ASP.NET 4.0 and C#

By default there is no validation control in ASP.NET to work with the checkbox control. However, in certain cases you may want to use validation on a checkbox such as one that would require them to accept the terms and services of a web site or registration process. To do this:
Right click the project in your solution explorer.
Select add new item
Select a web form.
Name it ‘Default.aspx’.
Click add.
Open Default.aspx up to design mode.
Drag and drop a checkbox onto the web form.
Drag and drop a customvalidator next to the checkbox.
Change the ErrorMessage property to ‘You must check the box’.
Change the ForeColor property to ‘Red’.
Check the Text property to ‘*’.
Add a line break after the customvalidator.
Drag and drop a button under the checkbox.
Add a line break after the button.
Drag and drop a validationsummary under the button.

Validating the CheckboxNext, we want to add in some simple code on the ServerValidate event of the customvalidator that we added. To do this:
Double click the customvalidator to generate the ServerValidate event method.
Add in the following code to the CustomValidator_ServerValidate event method:

Restrict Files Access From Unauthorized access using File Handlers

Create class FileProtectHandler.cs in the project and add methods as follows:

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.IO;

namespace Custom.Handlers
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles processing requests for protected web application files, such as reports/*.pdf
    /// The reports are checked by the user role to determine access.
    /// </summary>
    public class FileProtectionHandler : IHttpHandler, System.Web.SessionState.IRequiresSessionState
        #region IHttpHandler Members

        public bool IsReusable
                return false;

        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            switch (context.Request.HttpMethod)
                case "GET":
                        // Is the user logged-in?
                        //if (!context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                        //    FormsAuthentication.RedirectToLoginPage();
                        //    return;

                        string requestedFile = context.Server.MapPath(context.Request.FilePath);
                        // Verify the user has access to the User role.
                        if (Convert.ToString(context.Session["Username"]) == "demo")
                            SendContentTypeAndFile(context, requestedFile);



        private HttpContext SendContentTypeAndFile(HttpContext context, String strFile)
            context.Response.ContentType = GetContentType(strFile);

            return context;

        private string GetContentType(string filename)
            // used to set the encoding for the reponse stream
            string res = null;
            FileInfo fileinfo = new FileInfo(filename);

            if (fileinfo.Exists)
                switch (fileinfo.Extension.Remove(0, 1).ToLower())
                    case "pdf":
                        res = "application/pdf";
                    case "doc":
                    case "docx":
                        res = "application/msword";
                    case "xls":
                    case "xlsx":
                        res = "application/";
                    case "rtf":
                        res = "application/x-rtf";
                    case "txt":
                        res = "text/plain";
                    case "jpeg":
                    case "jpg":
                        res = "image/jpg";
                    case "bmp":
                        res = "image/bmp";
                    case "png":
                        res = "image/png";
                    case "gif":
                        res = "image/gif";
                        res = "application/octet-stream";

                return res;

            return null;

Add the tags in the Web.config File according to the handler namespace

      <add name="PDF" path="*.pdf" verb="*" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add name="docx" path="*.docx" verb="*" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add name="doc" path="*.doc" verb="*" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add name="xlsx" path="*.xlsx" verb="*" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add name="xls" path="*.xls" verb="*" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add name="rtf" path="*.rtf" verb="*" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add name="txt" path="*.txt" verb="*" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add name="vsd" path="*.vsd" verb="*" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add name="jpg" path="*.jpg" verb="*" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add name="jpeg" path="*.jpeg" verb="*" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add name="gif" path="*.gif" verb="*" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add name="png" path="*.png" verb="*" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add name="bmp" path="*.bmp" verb="*" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
<add path="*.pdf" verb="*" validate="true"  type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler" />
      <add path="*.docx" verb="*" validate="true"  type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler" />
      <add path="*.doc" verb="*" validate="true"  type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add path="*.xlsx" verb="*" validate="true" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add path="*.xls" verb="*" validate="true" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add path="*.rtf" verb="*" validate="true" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add path="*.txt" verb="*" validate="true" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add path="*.vsd" verb="*" validate="true" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add path="*.jpg" verb="*" validate="true" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add path="*.jpeg" verb="*" validate="true" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add path="*.gif" verb="*" validate="true" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add path="*.png" verb="*" validate="true" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />
      <add path="*.bmp" verb="*" validate="true" type="Custom.Handlers.FileProtectionHandler"  />